
[pfp lineart by kaijuparty]Commission slots: 0/3

Terms of Service

I am currently working on a much lengthier ToS. The following ToS below is subject to revision at any time. By purchasing a commission, you automatically agree to the contents of this ToS.Have any concerns? See how you can contact me on the homepage!

ㅤㅤ1. I (the artist) reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason. I will not accept any commission depicting hate speech (transphobia, homophobia, racism, etc.) or any commission depicting an illegal paraphilia (pedophilia, bestiality, etc.).

ㅤㅤ2. I (the artist) may reupload a commissioned piece to my personal websites (social media, carrd.co, etc.) for the purposes of portfolio building and self-promotion.
ㅤㅤ2b. I (the artist) do not claim copyright over any original characters depicted in the commissioned piece, even when reuploading for self-promotion. The copyright of these characters always belongs to you (the client).

ㅤㅤ3. When commissioning a piece, you (the client) pay half of the listed price up front. Upon receiving the finished commission, you pay the other half of the listed price.
ㅤㅤ3b. You (the client) are not entitled to a refund.

ㅤㅤ4. Upon receiving your commissioned piece, you (the client) may use the piece for personal use. You may reupload the watermarked piece to social media (Discord, Tumblr, etc.), so long as the relevant social media post links back to either my (the artist) social media account or my carrd.co site. You may use the commissioned piece as a social media avatar. You may use the commissioned piece as a phone or laptop background.
ㅤㅤ4b. You (the client) may NOT use your commissioned piece for commercial use. You may not use the commissioned piece to sell physical goods (prints, apparel, etc.), as an asset to promote a website or commercial brand, or to mint an NFT (non-fungible token) or other blockchain/cryptocurrency related good.

ㅤㅤ5. You (the client) may NOT claim your commissioned piece as your own artwork.

The following is a list of personal will-dos/won't-dos. This list is not legally binding like the ToS stated above, and is more meant to give you an idea of what I can do as an artist.WILL-DO:
ㅤㅤ• Humans
ㅤㅤ• Simplistic robots
ㅤㅤ• Anthro animals/furries
ㅤㅤ• Mild injury, blood, and gore

ㅤㅤ• Detailed robots/mecha
ㅤㅤ• Realistic/detailed gore
ㅤㅤ• NSFW/pornographic content


$20 CAD
+$10 CAD to add an additional character

Flat Lined + Colored
$50 CAD
+$30 CAD to add an additional character

Full Illustration
$80 CAD
+$45 CAD to add an additional character

Payment Options

All commission payments are conducted through PayPal invoices, which I will email to you. I also have a Ko-Fi account if you would like to donate to me.
